How to Register a Sacco In Kenya.


How to Register a Sacco In Kenya.

In recent times, the number of Saccos in Kenya has grown tremendously. Both large corporations and individuals are investing in Sacco registration due to the attractive regulations and financial benefits these organizations offer. Savings and credit cooperatives (Saccos) provide an effective way to save and access quick and affordable means of raising capital. The power of a Sacco comes from its members and the regular income from their contributions.

 Registration requirements for a Sacco

To register a Sacco in Kenya, you need to follow specific steps and meet certain requirements. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to register a Sacco in Kenya, covering both non-deposit-taking and deposit-taking Saccos.

Non Deposit Taking Sacco Registration:

  1. Formal Request: Submit a formal request in writing expressing the intent to form a Sacco.
  2. Proposed Names: Provide proposed names for search and approval.
  3. Objectives: Clearly state the objects of the society.
  4. Members: Have at least 10 members. Provide their names, occupations, and postal addresses.
  5. Officials: List the names, occupations, and postal addresses of the Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary.
  6. Physical Address: Provide the proposed physical address, including road, plot number, town, and county.
  7. Constitution: Draft a constitution for the society.
  8. Forms: Complete and submit Form A (application for registration) and Form B (notification of registered office and address).
  9. Additional Documents: Submit the proposed by-laws, a filled application for registration form, a supplementary information form, and an economic appraisal, all in four copies.
  10. Employer’s Letter: For salaried workers, include a letter from the employer agreeing to check off.
  11. Pre-Cooperative Meeting Minutes: Include minutes of the pre-cooperative Sacco meeting.

Upon receiving these documents, the Cooperative Officer will convene a meeting with the proposed members within a week. The meeting, requiring at least ten members, will focus on pre-cooperative education. During this meeting, promoters will appoint interim officials to oversee the registration process.

Upon approval of the name, a Sacco registration form will need to be completed with details of all the board members and members including proof of identity documents, physical address of all members.

The registration process takes about two months.


Deposit Taking Sacco Registration:

If the Sacco intend on taking deposits from your members/customers, you must obtain a license from the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA), as mandated by Section 24 of the Sacco Societies Act 2008.

  • Formal Request: Submit a formal request to SASRA.
  • Employer’s Confirmation: For formally employed persons, include a confirmation letter from the employer.
  • Religious Organizations: Provide a certificate of incorporation and a letter of approval from the presiding clergy for religious-based common bonds.
  • Matatu/Transport Societies: Include copies of at least ten logbooks of the proposed members’ vehicles.
  • Business Licenses: Submit certificates of incorporation or business licenses from at least ten proposed members.
  • Marketing Societies: Provide an introductory letter from the area chief confirming the common bond and expected production.
  • Welfare Groups: Submit a copy of the registration certificate from the relevant ministry for welfare and self-help groups converting to cooperatives.
  • Informal Organizations: Include a letter of introduction from the area chief.

 Sacco Rules and Regulations. Sacco Societies Regulations 2010

Once you complete these steps, you will receive a Certificate of Registration  from the Registrar. This certificate allows your Sacco to acquire a bank account, business permits, NHIF and NSSF arrangements, and tax arrangements.

The newly registered Sacco is required by law to convene its first general meeting within a month after receiving the certificate. Failure to do so will lead the cooperative officer to recommend the immediate cancellation of the registration certificate to the Commissioner for Cooperative Development.

By following these guidelines, you can successfully register a Sacco in Kenya, enabling it to offer competitive financial services, including attractive interest rates on loans, to its members.


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  • Avatar for Peter Lwaya
    Peter Lwaya

    October 13, 2018 at 8:49 am

    Thank you for such elaborate information. I am a pastor and in our church would wish to begin a Sacco. Sent me more information, forms for registration and any other requirements for deposits taking Sacco.


    • Avatar for Douglas

      September 30, 2024 at 2:24 pm

      I like it


      • Avatar for editor

        October 28, 2024 at 6:43 am

        Thank you


  • Avatar for sylvester haggai
    sylvester haggai

    October 22, 2018 at 7:43 am

    how much does it cost


  • Avatar for thanks for the good information
    thanks for the good information

    November 11, 2018 at 10:38 am

    Kindly i need a copy of this to my email.kindly help me acquire one copy.


  • Avatar for Nicholas Okello
    Nicholas Okello

    November 12, 2018 at 6:58 am

    We need to register a SACCO….how do go about it….


  • Avatar for Kenneth Paul Pakia
    Kenneth Paul Pakia

    May 7, 2022 at 12:43 pm

    1. how much does it cost to register a SACCO in Kenya? we have been given figures of about
    Ksh. 20,000,000/=
    2. what is the laid down procedure for registering a SACCO
    3. does the law refuse to register a SACCO bearing a christian tag



    September 3, 2024 at 12:39 pm

    Good information.


    • Avatar for editor

      October 28, 2024 at 6:45 am

      thank you


  • Avatar for Dancan sibuti
    Dancan sibuti

    October 16, 2024 at 12:39 pm

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  • Avatar for Jeremy mukariantuura
    Jeremy mukariantuura

    November 30, 2024 at 1:24 pm

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